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“糖”包括食用糖、甜味剂、蜂蜜和果汁,经过提取, 精制并添加到食品和饮料中,使其味道更好。 少了它,生活将变得无味! 复杂和 简单的碳水化合物都是由糖分子组成,这些糖分子会被分解成葡萄糖,而被体内的每个细胞使用, 产生能量之余还提供能量给大脑。

简单来说,糖化是糖与其他分子(例如蛋白质,脂肪甚至DNA)在没有酵素参与反应的情况下, 结合在一起的化学反应。 这个过程可能导致分子 难以代谢和被身体利用。

我们都知道老化是身体生化和生理作用效率逐渐下降的过程, 这种过程会发生至死亡降临的前一刻。


当我们不断地摄取高糖食品, 而身体没办法正确地代谢的情况下, 如果有糖尿病前期症状或已经被诊断出患有糖尿病, 则情况可能会变得更糟!

根据Kim等人在2017年的研究,当我们体内发生糖化时, 皮肤中的胶原蛋白和血管是受影响的蛋白质之一, 可能导致失去其功能和弹性。 不仅如此,最可怕的是, 糖化过程中会产生强大的终产物,称为“ AGEs-糖化终产物” 它会导致自由基的形成、氧化应激和炎症, 这些都会加速老化!


糖和精制碳水化合物会导致体内胰岛素水平快速地增加, 从而增加体内的睪固酮水平,进而导致青春痘。 换句话说, 糖可以刺激皮脂生成,因此毛孔容易堵塞,并引起炎症发生。

还有一个我们都熟悉的情况,胶原蛋白分泌不足 (失去平衡) 会导致皮肤下陷, 从而形成皱纹。 最重要的是,我们大量食用的糖也是一种强大的脱水剂, 一种强大的脱水剂, 不仅会促进皮脂产生,还会影响水的结合力。 这会加速皱纹产生,皮肤失去弹性, 产生松驰且粗糙的外观,增加眼周黑眼圈和顽固的 老年斑!


1. 多吃健康且富含抗氧化物的食物– Naturally occurring phytochemicals and nutrition are better as compared to drugs. It is also cheaper too. They are most abundant in fruits and vegetables, as well as other foods including nuts, whole grains and some meats, poultry and fish. Good sources of specific antioxidants include allium sulphur compounds– leeks, onions and garlic; anthocyanins – eggplant, grapes and berries. Several medical herbs, dietary plants, and phytocompounds can inhibit protein glycation. These natural products with high antioxidant capacity are promising anti glycation and AGE formation agents. Their anti-AGE activity may be one mechanism of their beneficial actions on our health!

2. 减少糖摄入量 – Keeping tabs on how much sugar we are consuming is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. We can start by cutting the sugar filled drink and choose more to plain water. Following a low GI diet (we will introduce “What low GI diet” in the further article) can be very beneficial for our skin. Dietary measures to control our blood sugar levels is essential in avoidance of glycation.

3. 优质的睡眠– Sleep deprivation is also known to impair insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance which means that glycation is more likely. A good quality night sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet. Make sure you are getting a minimum six to eight hours of sleep per night.

4. 减轻压力– Stress increases free radical regeneration and oxidative stress throughout our entire body which is a key factor when it comes to ageing. Stress can also lead to raised levels of cortisol, which also degenerates collagen.

5. 锻炼身体– When we do moderate exercise, like walking, that makes our heart beat a little faster and breathe a little harder. Our muscles use more glucose, the sugar in our blood stream. Over time, this can lower our blood sugar levels. It also makes the insulin in our body work better. As a result, it will yield a modest reduction in glycation and substantially increase our muscle size!



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