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With the pace of life increasing by the day, it’s only natural that our immune systems are under danger from a variety of lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis. Stress, a sense of urgency, a lack of sleep, and a poor diet are all lifestyle factors that weaken the immune system.

  1. 睡眠不足

It’s crucial to remember that the amount of sleep you get, as well as the quality of sleep you get, has an impact on your immune system. If you want to enhance your immunity, you need to get the correct amount of “deep sleep” hours. Adults, in particular, require between 7 and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep to sustain a healthy immune response.

  1. 运动量不足


  1. 吸烟

The components included in cigarette smoke can reduce your body’s ability to resist illnesses, therefore smoking or being around smokers (secondhand smoke) can have an impact on your immune system. Take into account that your white blood cells are continually on the defensive, since they must constantly fight off the harm produced by cigarette smoke.

  1. 饮食不当

Always in a rush, with no time for good food? That puts your immunity in danger! Food is the most fundamental source of energy, as well as a source of the important nutrients required for immune system health. But how can you expect your immunity to stay strong if you’re not eating well?

  1. 压力



The effects of these factors are often overlooked, but if you frequently become sick after a big project at work, it’s likely that your immune system has deteriorated as a result of stress, insufficient sleep, lack of exercise or unhealthy eating.



  1. 您总是感到疲倦


  1. 您的伤口愈合缓慢

When we get a burn or cut, our wounds heal easily. Usually, we don’t need to notice the healing until it’s a deep tissue injury, or if the wound covers a big area. But, if your wounds take longer than normal to heal, or fester unusually for a long while, then it could indicate a weakening immune system.

  1. 您经常受到感染

A weakened immune system might make you more susceptible to illnesses and make it more difficult to get rid of them. It gets into your body when your immune system doesn’t produce enough antibodies to stop them. These infections may also indicate the presence of more serious issues.

  1. 持续的胃病


  1. 你感到压力或精疲力尽

When you are stressed out your body releases something called “cortisol”. This makes it harder for your body to fight off infections and disease. Too much cortisol in your bloodstream will make you feel tired, irritable and depressed.


这听起来可能非常可怕和绝望。但不用担心,ASODI 是来拯救您的。 

ASODI 是一种天然免疫增强剂,富含强大的抗氧化剂和珍贵的专利营养素,可帮助您的身体建立强大的屏障,将“坏人”拒之门外,提高您的整体免疫力并提供身体保持健康所需的必需营养素!

ASODI 可以如何帮助您?

  • 促进免疫功能​
  • 促进健康的新陈代谢
  • 提供强大的抗氧化剂
  • 促进排毒
  • 预防癌症
  • 应对病毒感染 
  • 有效对抗发烧和流感症状​
  • 调节血压和血糖水平​
  • 延缓衰老过程​
  • 提升肌肤活力

要了解更多有关 ASODI 的信息,请点击此处: https://ecomins.com.my/product-asodi/ 







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